Chapter Accomplishments

Toy Drive
  • Over 300 Toys were collected
  • NHS student members wrapped all toys and organized them by age and gender for children
Santo Reyes Celebration
  • Over 100 community members and children were in attendance
  • All children received a toy
Blood Drive
  • Over 100 people were registered to donate blood by NHS student members
  • Over 30 pints of blood were successfully donated.
NHS is mindful that the world and the everyday look different for all of us as we deal with the COVID-19 impact. What matters most is the health and safety of everyone in your school and community. We all see people stepping up in this crisis to show that leadership goes beyond walls and school buildings. It’s in our love for our communities that leadership becomes realized.
Our NHS Chapter continued to show leadership during this crisis by completing the following virtual projects:
  • Kelly Pride Mondays
  • Appreciation Tuesday
  • Social Wednesday
  • Throwback Thursday
  • Fun Friday
  • Kelly Staff Appreciation
  • Autism Awareness
  • Thank a Healthcare Worker